Sunday, September 21, 2014

Top Ten Disney Villains

Sooooooooooo I love collecting all things Disney Villain. I thought I would do a breakdown of the worst of the worst ( in my humble opinion). Let me know who you think is the worst! Or who is your favorite. Here's the Top Ten Badies:

10) Maleficent- My girl, Mistress of All Evil. She is wickedly cool in her spell casting. She seems so smooth and unbreakable in her badness and she looks so very poised and high class while doing it. You go girl, work that thing.

9) Oogie Boogie- This dude is seriously creepy. He wants to do mean things to Santa Claus and that's just not cool. I can't really look at him without freaking out. Just this picture right now..I have to move on!


8) Doctor Facilier (Shadowman)- First of all, this man has a pretty dope wardrobe. He is definitely one of the darker of the villains with his "friends on the other side". I would not mess with him!

7) Cruella de Vil- If she doesn't scare you no evil thing will. I was just singing her theme song today. Those poor puppies! Like everyone has hobbies, Cruella, but why must you feel the need to murder innocent little creatures to wear as fashion? And she is an insane driver.



 6) Percial McLeach- This dirty, mean poacher! He's trying to capture a golden eagle which is one of earth's most beautiful creatures. He also wanted to let his creepy lizard eat the eagle's babies! He's a mean one for sure.

5) Jafar- This bad guy likes to use his sorcery to control people and turn situations to his favor. He tries to make a poor 18 year old girl marry him and that's just gross. He's gross. He could use some hygiene...

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