Saturday, September 5, 2015

Here's to you, 2015!!

Alternatively titled: Reasons why 2015 is one of my favorite years to date.

For some reason today I'm feeling all inspired and lovey-dovey. I've had two cups of coffee and studied for two hours so far. I've always just given Mr. Gus Gus a bath. In other words, I'm feeling decently productive after a week of feeling like I would never catch up with anything. This post is probably going to jump all over the place, but that's my love me, and bear with me.

This year kicked off with a smashing New Year's Eve party! NOT. My then roomie, Lauren, and I sat on the couch and watched an old movie in our comfiest pjs. I cannot even remember the movie except that it had the marvelous Cary Grant. I embraced my chill. No trying to go out to keep up appearances and hang out with people I probably didn't really want to be around. No pointless drinking because it felt like the norm. No, I was just deliciously me and quite happy. That has set the tone for my entire year so far.

For my 26th birthday I took myself on a vacation to New Orleans. There were many dissenters, mostly just nice people worried about my well being and safety. I even felt like not going for a hot minute and was considering cancelling the trip altogether. I'm so glad I didn't. Going on a vacation by myself (well, Gus was there too, but he only nods wisely for conversation) was a grand experience that I recommend for anyone trying to better figure out who they are and what they're all about. I used to think I always needed to be around people or have someone (romantically) to be happy. I have blast that idea completely to pieces this year. On what turned out to be an extremely long drive to the Big Easy (never driving in Texas ever again if I can avoid it), I came to have a better opinion of myself and realized I really like hanging out with just me. This has changed so much for me.

Last year was just a crapshoot in the dating game. I let myself be confused and assaulted by people on Tinder and OkCupid in the name of finding someone and not being alone. I went on second and more dates with people I wasn't even remotely into and basically just tried to find connections that were not there. (I'm not hating all of you! I've actually made at least one good friend out of all of it) This year I'm much more in tune with myself and completely okay with being single (for the most part..I have had my yelling at God, crying in the bathtub moments, but I'm only human!). I've chosen to only say yes to dates I actually care about. I'm not forcing connections anymore, I'm just feeling them and following my heart. I don't want to waste my time or anyone else's.

This year I've also taken myself back to school. (Darn Tulane campus being so beautiful and inspiring) I've been struggling recently between history and psychology. History is what I came back for. It is my one true love, but psychology is so attractive haha. I'm having self doubt here and there, but ultimately I'm just trying to live in the moment and learn everything that I can. To life and knowledge!!

There are so many more things I look forward to in the last few months of this year (it's insane how quickly it's gone by). Oh my goodness, next month is my big sister-niece trip to Florida!! We've been preparing for it all year and yet I still feel so unprepared. Before I know it this year is going to be over. I hope the rest of it brings great things for me, and for all of you!!

Much love,

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