Tuesday, January 28, 2014


This past week I have tried two different "exercises"-laughter yoga and kickboxing. I have been embarking on a journey of fun and trying new things. I had not heard of laughter yoga until about two weeks ago when I was perusing a yoga magazine in the checkout line at Sprouts. I thought to myself "what is this amazing sounding thing?!" and I immediately went home and looked it up. I have not found anything in the area really that I could join and the few at home videos I've found were a little too pricey for me (I'm not made of money!). But I did find a pretty fun video on Youtube! As I did this video in my living room, my dog thought I had lost my mind, my roommate took a secret Vine of me to share with the world, and my boyfriend had no idea what was going on. But let me tell you, it was a LOT of fun! I can see how it is a good way to relieve stress. And I actually find myself laughing a little more after.

Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWXpVcS3JmQ

Now boxing I have wanted to do for a long time. I bought gloves and everything a couple of years ago, but I haven't really gotten to use them as much as I would like. I really like punching things! I had heard about Title Boxing Club in Edmond, but I had been too afraid to go because I normally don't like going to things by myself or making a general fool out of myself. However, I just happened to be looking them up when I stumbled upon a Groupon for a two week membership. It was a sign that I shouldn't put it off any longer! This year I have vowed to myself to try more things that scare me and to not be afraid to do things by myself. I finally got to really put my gloves to good use! Everyone at the club was really nice and encouraging and I am super sore. And better! No stress. I felt free as a bird after the class and I even felt like running a little (I do not run, people. Ever. If I'm running, something is chasing me). I definitely recommend taking a class. It's a great workout!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you would do Laughter yoga every day! It made me happier and I wasn't even participating!!

    I'm also super proud of you for going to boxing! I can't wait to see you kicking butt in our garage... And maybe you'll teach me a thing or two :)
